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Showing posts from January, 2017

What's Going On? (UPDATE)

It has been a full week since I posted here. What's going on? Well, I feel like I should let you guys know. I broke a tooth, and I had to get it removed. My wisdom teeth were also removed. I've been in excruciating pain and looped on pain meds for days. Simply typing this is challenging enough. I hope I recover soon and will be able to return with some killer content. Until then, I'll be screaming about my swollen, bruised, bleeding mouth.

Nintendo Community Showcase #1: Mock-ups

 The Nintendo community is a vast collection of many diverse people playing a wide array of games. Due to the fact that a lot of people think Nintendo is just for kids, there's a strong sense of community, and we all look out for each other and support each other. There's a lot of wonderful content being created by those in the community, and I think it's only right to use this platform to showcase it. Our first theme is mock-ups, or tech fan art. Yin-Yang  Joy-Con design by /u/AverageTheJam  There's a growing trend that started with the Switch reveal. People love to make their technology their own, and Nintendo fans are no different. All over the internet, people have been sharing their designs for their ideal Nintendo Switch. I'm picking mine from  the Nintendo Switch subreddit , but I'm sure there are others out there as well. Gamecube  Joy-Con design by /u/AlexxLopaztico02 Super Famicom Switch design by /u/IAmNickJones  Some people hav...

Has Nintendo Switched Gears?

 The Nintendo Switch is obviously something new and different. It's a concept that's never really been executed before, and it certainly seems like a new step for Nintendo hardware...but could it be something new for Nintendo software? Bethesda's Skyrim  running on the Switch  In a recent article on WIRED , Chris Kohler made the bold statement that "Nintendo Switch ain't for Mom and Pop - It's for Die-Hard Fans" . This has been met with a lot of feedback, positive and negative. Personally, I see where Kohler is coming from, but I don't know if it's as serious as he's making it out to be.  Before we really dig into the "maturity" of the games, let's look at some of the games coming to the Switch: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Super Mario Odyssey Xenoblade 2 Skyrim NBA 2K18 Steep Fifa Fire Emblem Switch Fire Emblem Warriors The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challenger...

Fire Emblem Has The Potential To Become Huge

 We just got one of the best Nintendo Directs ever. Concise editing, to-the-point writing, awesome announcments, and an exciting voice-over by Yuri Lowenthal really made this presentation a home run. Let's dig into the meat of this greatness. Fire Emblem Gaiden 's original art  Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia  is my kind of remake. It's not as cut-and-dry as most game remakes these days. Obviously a game would need some polishing up on its 25th anniversary, but this is really a knockout job on Nintendo's part. The original game, Fire Emblem Gaiden , was released in Japan only, but it was a very important game for the series. The innovations of this game shaped the series into what it is today. Nintendo is honoring this by completely rebuilding it from the ground up. They've added beautiful anime cutscenes, 3D graphics, and even a fully 3D free-roam dungeon crawling mechanic. 25 years later and Intelligent Systems is still innovating. I certainly can...

A Nintendo Fanboy's View On Nintendo Criticism

 Chances are, you'll never see me get too harsh on Nintendo on this blog. I don't think Nintendo is perfect, I have several issues with them, but harsh criticism just isn't what I envision to be a part of my blog. That said, Nintendo does really need to get their act together in some regards. Certain people take this very seriously, and create excellent content expressing what Nintendo is doing wrong and why it is wrong.  Today, I'll be focusing on two examples:  Haedox  and  Jim Sterling . Both of these content creators are excellent content creators whose videos I've watched for a long time. I became a fan of theirs because they both don't buckle in the face of hype, and aren't afraid to say things that fandoms disagree with. It's not something I will use this platform for, but I admire their ability to do so.  Recently, as you all know, the Switch was finally revealed. There's been a lot of things said about the Switch, the presentation itsel...

Top 5 Most Anticipated Nintendo Switch Games

   We've finally gotten a thorough look at the Nintendo Switch and the games it will feature. While it has a pretty barren launch, the 3DS did too, and it ended up being one of Nintendo's best consoles. There's going to be a lot of good games on the Switch, and we've already seen some of them. Here are my picks: #5.) Splatoon 2  I'll be honest. I never got a chance to play the first  Splatoon , as I don't own a Wii U. I always thought it looked interesting though, and I'm glad to see it come to the Switch. The new editions like a really cool jetpack and increased character customization only make Inkopolis seem like more and more of an appealing destination.  #4.) SnipperClips   Snipperclips  honestly really surprised me with how much it grabbed my interest. I didn't think anything of it during it's brief appearance during the sizzle reel, but when I saw gameplay of it on Nintendo Treehouse afterwards, I was hooked. The cha...

Nintendo Switch Presentation Thoughts

 Last night, we saw an extensive look at the Nintendo Switch. We saw a lot, so let's dig in and talk about it all.   1 2 Switch  looks like something I'd never play. That doesn't mean it's necessarily going to be a bad game, but it seems like a very casual party game. I doubt I'll buy it, although I am actually tempted to due to the serious lack of launch titles, which I'll talk about later. I don't think 1 2 Switch looks bad, it just doesn't look like anything honestly. I'm sure some people will really enjoy it, but I doubt I'll be one of them.   ARMS looks insanely good. I feel that due to the motion-heavy control scheme people might be overlooking it, but that would be a grave mistake. It seems to have solid gameplay, interesting characters, and a beautiful unique art style. ARMS  is definitely number two on my most anticipated Switch games list.   Snipperclips  looks very interesting. While it seems simpli...

Pre-Switch Thoughts

 It's so close. At the time I've begun writing this, the Nintendo Switch event is just 8 hours away. We'll hopefully learn a lot about the Switch. The hype has peaked, and has hit a point where the imminence doesn't even feel real.  I've already secured the funds to preorder, and I'm waiting for GameStop to get orders so I can zip over there and reserve mine before stock runs out. Both pre-order announcements from major retailers so far have said that stock will be limited. That's very unfortunate. Nintendo is a great company with even greater games, but as time goes on they abuse their fans more and more. That said, I am very excited for the Nintendo Switch. Art by EternaLegend   The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild  is currently my most anticipated Nintendo Switch game, but to be fair there aren't many confirmed. I might end up being more excited for something else after the event, but I actually doubt it. Breath of the Wild...


This is gonna be super short and informal. I'm honestly just interested in Nintendo right now, I'm not reviewing games at least until I get a Switch, and keeping my real name in the title seems silly, so I rebranded.

Nintendo Switch Predictions

 The Nintendo Switch will be here in less than three months and we still don't know much official information. While we're hopefully learning a lot in a week, making predictions is always fun. Here's mine. Nintendo Switch Presentation Predictions   2-3 Wii U Ports Revealed    We'll almost definitely see Splatoon  and Mario Kart 8  at the event, but I'm predicting we'll see at least one more. I'm predicting it will be Super Smash Bros . I doubt it will be available at launch, but it will for sure  be in the first year. I hope it will have additional content, but it may just launch with the Corrin/Bayonetta/Cloud amiibo. As confirmed by the Switch Reveal Trailer, Mario Kart 8  and Splatoon  will have new content, with new assets and maps in Splatoon , and new modes and characters in Mario Kart 8 . 1-3 Virtual Console Games  While there's no way to know for sure, if credible leakers are to be trusted, Mother 3...

Most Wanted Nintendo Switch Games

 The Nintendo Switch is rapidly approaching, and that means one thing: we're going to get a lot of new games very soon. While we can expect games like the new Mario , The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Mario Kart 8, and Splatoon  near or at launch, this console will hopefully last for a long time. These are just some of the games I'd hope to see on the Switch during its lifetime.  A new Monster Hunter  or an HD port of one of the 3DS versions   Monster Hunter is a huge game worldwide, and it's incredibly popular in Japan. The release of Monster Hunter XX  is happening near the launch of the Nintendo Switch, making a Monster Hunter  title a potential launch title. Monster Hunter XX  isn't the only game coming. Monster Hunter 5  has to happen eventually. Perhaps that will end up being a Nintendo Switch game.   Splatwo  /  Spla2n   Splatoon  is one of the Wii U's biggest games, and it wa...

The Problem With Leaks

I love Nintendo hype just as much as the next guy. In fact, probably more. I'm always checking /r/NintendoSwitch and similar outlets. That said, there's a problem with hype culture: leaks. If Nintendo wasn't so bad at keeping their fans updated, there might not be so many leaks. Unfortunately, Nintendo is incredibly out of touch and thinks waiting until two months before a console's launch to actually talk about it is a good idea. The Nintendo Switch has had leaks cropping up for months now. In the early days, they were still called "NX Leaks". Now we've gotten a little bit of information from Nintendo qnd the leaks haven't let up. Hype is a good thing. It drives sales, which Nintendo will need after the Wii U. The leaks are only supplementing the hype. There's just one problem: most of them are entirely fabricated. Recently, there was an extensive Google Doc file released by someone called Geno. This document revealed a lot of informati...