We've finally gotten a thorough look at the Nintendo Switch and the games it will feature. While it has a pretty barren launch, the 3DS did too, and it ended up being one of Nintendo's best consoles. There's going to be a lot of good games on the Switch, and we've already seen some of them. Here are my picks:
#5.) Splatoon 2
I'll be honest. I never got a chance to play the first Splatoon, as I don't own a Wii U. I always thought it looked interesting though, and I'm glad to see it come to the Switch. The new editions like a really cool jetpack and increased character customization only make Inkopolis seem like more and more of an appealing destination.
#4.) SnipperClips
Snipperclips honestly really surprised me with how much it grabbed my interest. I didn't think anything of it during it's brief appearance during the sizzle reel, but when I saw gameplay of it on Nintendo Treehouse afterwards, I was hooked. The characters are cute and funny, the mechanics are very intriguing, and the co-operation required will certainly bring in lots of fun. The game will only be $20 as well, so buying SnipperClips is a no-brainer.
#3.) ARMS
ARMS also caught me by surprise. At first I thought it was simply a Wii Sports clone, but upon further inspection, it seems to have a lot of depth. This is one game where motion controls actually seem like the better option, even though they are thankfully optional. ARMS seems perfectly suited for the JoyCons, as well. I can't wait to whip my arms across the playing field to strike my unique and colorful opponent.
#2.) Super Mario Odyssey
I'll be honest, it was hard to decide between the inevitable #1 and #2. Both games are instant system sellers. After careful consideration, I decided to put Super Mario Odyssey in the #2 slot. This doesn't mean it won't be as good of a game as #1, but I went with my gut on what I am anticipating.
Super Mario Odyssey looks ready to breathe new life into an admittedly stale series. We're finally getting new mechanics, new characters, an expansive world to do whatever we please in, and just in general a feeling of refreshment. Holiday 2017 can't get here fast enough.
#1.) The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild very well may be my most anticipated game ever. I'm completely in love with this game. I genuinely shake just thinking that I'll have my hands on it in less than two months. I can't think of a single bad thing to say about this game. It's insanely beautiful. The gameplay looks fun. The story looks emotional and engaging. This March 3rd, we'll all be in for the game of a lifetime.
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