I never played the original Splatoon . I always wanted to, but I just never had a chance to try it out. I've seen people play it on YouTube quite a lot (the competitive nature of the game has always provided a fun streaming environment), so I'm familiar with what the game was like. However, you never really know what a game is going to actually end up being like until you get a chance to play it for yourself. Because of that, I was ecstatic to get a chance to play the Global Testfire when it started. I downloaded the beta almost a week in advance, and I eagerly awaited the moment I got to press the triggers and begin my first foray into Inkopolis. About five minutes before it was scheduled to, the testfire began. I pressed the button as soon as I heard, and immediately I was in. I've heard that some people had some really bad server issues, but I personally ran into very few. After I was lucky enough to have the server gods smile down on me, it was time to paint. ...